YIELD: 4 servings
TIME: about 30 minutes


1 1⁄2 pounds lean lamb, ground
Salt to taste if desired
Freshly ground pepper to taste
1⁄4 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, finely chopped, or half that amount dried
3⁄4 cup feta cheese, crumbled
4 teaspoons finely chopped parsley


Step 1
Divide lamb into 8 portions of equal size. Shape each into a patty and sprinkle on both sides with salt and pepper.

Step 2
Sprinkle top of each patty with an equal amount of cumin and rosemary. Pat to help the herb and spice adhere.

Step 3
Patties may be broiled or cooked in a skillet. If broiled, preheat broiler to high. Place patties on a baking sheet and place about 3 inches from source of heat. Broil them 2 minutes if you wish them rare, 4 minutes for well done. Turn patties and cook 1 minute if you wish them rare, 2 minutes for well done.

Step 4
If patties are cooked in a skillet, select one large enough to hold them in one layer. Brush skillet with a little oil and heat thoroughly on stove. Cook patties over moderately high heat for 2 minutes if you wish them rare, 4 minutes if well done. Turn patties and continue cooking 1 minute for rare, 2 minutes for well done.

Step 5
However the patties are cooked, top each with a portion of feta cheese.

Step 6
Place under broiler, preheated to high, about 3 inches from the source of heat. Let broil about 1 minute. Dot center of each patty with half a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley.
